
Apa sih yaa?? hahaha....(postingan ga jeLas)

SeLamat Pagi sodare sodare,... seLamat berhari minggu.. ehm..seteLah sekian Lama saya tak berposting2 ria disini,how are you everybody??? happy sunday.. and Long time im not post anything in my bLog,.. (Lhoo apa beda nya sih?? hahaha sengaja aku pake dua bahasa,... kan ada orang buLe yang ngeLiat bLog ku juga... ^^ ) wixixixi.....

jadi gini nih,..aku muLai darimana yah.. bingung juga,hmm...apa yang musti saya perjeLas di BLog ini yok?? ah gaje,... siapa yang punya bLog coba? ?haha....

okeh tinggaLkan ketidak jeLasan saya daLam haL ngebLog..
okeh Leave my obscurity in to bLogger... hmm. .yess we start now...

sekaLian menambah dan memperLancar bahasa inggris deh ya... haha...padahaL ngasaL aja..
and sorry for my other friend from other country if you cant understand what i said,. ehe..couse my engLish is not good.. and LitLe i can Laa... :D

dan jangan juga aku pake bahasa inggris terus.ntar temen2 dari indonesia pada ga tau apa yang aku bicarakan.....contoh nya seperti si mbem ku itu..si makhLuk mungiL dan memiLiki pipi tembem dan jangkung,.. huauhaa...coba deh gimana apa kaLian bisa membayangkan gimana bentuk dan rupanya?? dia seLaLu bertanya padaku, setiap status2 di pesbuk ku berbahasa inggris.. (dengan bantuan googLe transLate pastinya) aku menjeLaskan apa maksud ku...wkwkwkwk...

and im not aLso using engLish Language in every my post,.. couse i have friends from indonesian too,. i'm worried about if they are cannot understand what i said of course, and practicaL they wiLL Question to me,..."what you said broh" haha....Like my chubby girL,. hehe... as known as my GF,.waaw...GF??? i have a GF??whats mean GF?? ,...maybe who didnt understand whats that, i'LL expLain to you... GF is Gay Friend...oohh Nooooo..!!!!!!!!! i'm NormaL.. haha...GF is GirL Friend...
weew.. hahaha... she aLways ask me about my status when i posting status on my facebook with EngLish Language.... sometimes i confused to exPLain to her.. haha..

yah untuk postingan kaLi ini memang ga speciaL dan gak ada gunananya sebenarnya..cuman mau meramaikan dunia perbLoggingan... hehe....
aku mo cerita dari cerita pagi ku nih...pagi2 udah harus bangun, untuk mengantarkan nyokap ke kerjaan...haduuh kasian juga yah nyokap dah umur segini masih harus bekerja.. sebenarnya aku ga tega sih,.tapi mau gimana Lagi.... hufth..yasudahLah itu rahasia keLuarga, ga wajib di umbarkan disini.. haha...

seteLah itu aku sekaLian aja Lewat pahLawan, N udah aku rencanakan daripagi untuk singgah ke Mitra Radio 102,7 Fm saLah satu Radio gahoeL nya samarinda...ehehe..padahaL aku jarang dengerin sih..tapi karena 2 makhLuk mitra radio adaLah temen2 ku, sekaLigus 2 personeL band ku hanya satu2nya pengecuaLian (haha karena ini bahasa indonesia, jadi nama Band ku juga di jadiin bahasa indonesia deh.). sesampainya disana, aku ketemu 2 orang yang ngocoL itu tadi... haha..mereka bner2 Lucu2..punya hidung Lucu,muka Lucu, muLut Lucu, mata Lucu, pokok nya Lucu2 semua..... dan didaLam radio aku muLai di tindak semena-mena oLeh mereka.. hufth... mereka menyuruhku untuk menyantap Kue tart yang udah tersedia di media deket radio minicompo..weeww....santapan yang Ruuaarrr BIasaaaaa......!! hahaha,..trims temen2...kaLian ngerti aja deh temen mu ini keLaparan,.aha...

seteLah mendengarkan mereka cuap2 dengan saLah satu peneLpon, si saLah satu penyiar itu mendatangi aku,..dan berkata,."Lu kesini udah mandi apa beLom??" dan spontan Uhuuyy aku jawab, beLom meen.....wah pantes katanya, muLut Lu bau cooy seperti naga besaung...wew...masa seeeh???padahaL udah sikat gigi.haha..
terpaksa deh gue saLahin kue tart yang tadi di suruh makan..wew.. haha...
abis tu baLik deh ke rumah Lagi.. hmm......dan memuLai semuanya dengan seperti biasanya..

yapz...nothing speciaL from this post,... and useLess.. just want to enLiven the worLd of BLogger.. hohoho..and you know,. i just want to teLL you about my story this morning.. :D ..
in the morning i must wake up, for bring my mom to go to her workspace..wew....actuaLLy im not butter with her..couse she is an oLd,..she must enjoy in oLd age...ow sorry i dont know in engLish what the better Language to say that... hehe...i hope you understand....

and this morning, i goes to Mitra Radio 102,7 fm samarinda...one of youngest radio and famiLiar in samarinda... but just want to teLL you, im not often Listening this radio.. hehe...but, just because 2 of announcer mitra radio is my friend,..you know..ther are so funny.. they have the face funny,... they are have a funny eyes, funny mouth, funny ears, and aLL of they have is funny.. hahaha..and just want to teLL you (again) they are my friends of my band.. (The OnLy Exception), yapz the onLy exception is my band... taken by paramore songs, hohoho.....because we are fans of paramore exceptLy the vocaList.. she is maxy as Maya Sexy.. haha...she is not too Like Paramore.. .she just Like jazz and she fans of taht..hmm... haha..okay next, after i reach goaL, they invite to me to eat the cake was avaiLabLe on the tabLe, haha..and no more word, i was eat them..huhahaha...i'm so happy was there..... hehe...

and than, one of the announcer of Mitra come to me,..wew.. what his mean?? he want to kiss me???haha..noo....isnt normaL...but we are NormaL,... he just said to me..oh no, he ask to me,.. have you showered?? and off the cuff, i said yess..i didnt... hahahaha,.. apparentLy he smeLL my mouth... waw...he regard to me. .ahaha... oke enaugh,.
just it. and no more reason to not understand what i said, couse i taLking with engLish and indonesian.. hahaha....aLthough my EngLish isn't good... hahha..
